Home News Making the most of government grants to fund your IT and Telecoms solutions

Making the most of government grants to fund your IT and Telecoms solutions

October 19, 2020 Nick Expert advice

At Comms Unite, we ensure that our customers and potential clients make the most of their budgets, allowing them to harness the power of IT and Telecoms Solutions. In this case, we can go even further, offering our logistics clients a chance to expand their budget by hundreds of thousands of pounds.

A new grant from HM Revenue and Customs offers those in the Logistics and Transport industry a chance to claim funding for IT support, software and training. We’ve put together a cohesive guide to this funding, ensuring that our community can capitalize on this opportunity.


Which logistics business are eligible for the grant?

The grant is available to all those in the transport and logistics industry who meet the following criteria:

  • You have been established in the UK for at least a year
  • You have not previously failed to meet tax obligations 

You must also meet one of the three following criteria to be eligible:

  • You complete customs declarations on behalf of your clients
  • You are an importer or exporter who intends to complete customs declarations for internal goods. 
  • You are an organisation that recruits, trains and places apprentices in businesses to undertake customs declarations.

Do you meet these requirements? If so you should think about applying now before the deadline at the end of January 2021.

The HMRC grant can be used to fund and install ready-made IT and Telecoms solutions which will allow you to complete customs declarations more efficiently.

The definition of this expands to buying hardware that’s needed for the software to run, installing and configuring the software and hardware, buying the first year licence as well as training employees to use the software.

At Comms Unite we offer software and hardware that can be integrated with a range of IT and Telecoms solutions. Our team also dedicates time to training your employees, meaning you can make the most of your grant. 

Have you recently invested in a Comms Unite solution? It’s important to note that, if you’re eligible,  you can also use the grant to reimburse your IT improvement spending since 12 June 2020.

How much funding is available?

The grant offers to cover all of the costs relating to your IT investment, up to the state aid limit of €200,000, regardless of the size of your logistics business. 

It’s important to note that this limit applies to the total amount of grants you have received over the last three years.

How Comms Unite can help

Looking to make the most of this opportunity?  Get in touch with a member of our friendly team on 01473 599020, where we can advise you on the most efficient solutions tailored to your business.

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